Saturday 31 December 2016

A Year of Logo Fun

I have been reflecting on a lot of serious things that happened in this last year, but there is one thing that — most definitely — was not. Those of you who subscribe via feed readers or email don’t always see some of the stuff I do direct on the blog’s design, but over the past year, I decided to have a little fun with the logo. With each new holiday or season (or just whenever I felt like it), I changed things up to give my little duckling some personality.

Speaking of, did we ever decide on a name for this guy? I can’t even remember.

When I redesigned the site, I picked out a brand new logo to go with:

It was simple, and that’s part of the reason why I liked it so much. But it also meant I could do random things to it just for fun, like last December when I made him into Duckling Santa (which happens to be the same one that’s up on the site now):


In January, I gave him a party hat and confetti, but kept the snowflakes — even though it hardly ever snows here in Georgia, at least the site was festive!


Whenever there was a good opportunity, I kept the idea going. Valentine’s, St. Patrick’s Day, etc. I tried to take the “less is more” approach with most of them. ;)




(I know Easter was in March, but it was cute, so I kept it)

By the time my birthday and summer rolled around, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do regarding holidays, so I went with a more seasonal approach to last a few months (and not to mention, I spent a lot of that time outside and away from my computer anyway):



And by December, we were right back to where I started!

It was kind of a silly exercise, but it was also a fun way to flex my creative muscles whenever I found myself hitting a design slump (it happens, and sometimes there’s not a lot you can do about it except push through!) and to see who noticed and left comments about it. A few of you really seemed to like it, so I think in 2017, I’m going to keep it going with some new ideas. They might get a little more obscure if I feel like having an inside joke or two, but I hope at the very least, it brought a few more smiles this year. Have a good one tonight, and I’ll see you all in the new year!

The post A Year of Logo Fun appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.

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from The Ugly Duckling House

Monday 26 December 2016

A Christmas Story: The Holiday Cookie Prank

If you’ve been reading this blog for a few years, you’re probably aware of our holiday baking tradition. It always takes place in Mom’s kitchen, all of us doing various levels of helping decorate (sometimes ahem, only doing quality control) and bake the various cookie types. This has also included some rather incriminating photos of me…

With permission, I shared two of those recipes in the last couple of years — my Granny’s favorite, kolaches, and my own personal favorite, hard-boiled egg cookies.*

*The name isn’t the most appealing, but they are delicious. If you don’t want to try them, that’s just more for me!

But this year, as my sister Em and I were rolling out the dough, my mom started talking about one of her favorites: anise cookies. She had made a batch of dough and intended on baking them along with the rest of the cookies we were doing. And it reminded me of yet another funny holiday story that I haven’t shared with you guys yet.

If you’ve never heard of anise cookies, they contain an oil that tastes like black licorice, making them the absolute worst possible cookie flavor of all time. Not to mention, their name always makes me have to pronounce them a second time with friends (“No. anissss, with an ‘i’.” Yes, I know what that sounds like. And yes, they do at least figuratively taste like shit.”)

Growing up, I always hated them. Why the hell did someone invent a cookie that tastes like bad candy? Merry friggin’ Christmas, let’s leave Santa a “treat” that would make even the jolliest want to stomp on our presents. There’s just one little problem…

If we use cookie cutters, they look almost exactly identical to my favorite cookies. They bake and puff almost the same. And for years, as kids, we decorated every cookie that came out of the oven with the same icing and sprinkles.

You can see where this is going. Mom would bake the various cookies in small batches and all at once, and we would go apeshit with covering them all in sugar. So, naturally, I would smell that all-too-familiar smell of my my favorite cookies baking in the oven, grab one that’s sitting on the rack cooling, take a BIG bite, and then…

Ewwwww. The cookie would immediately come tumbling out of my mouth in a fury of crumbs and a WTH?!? look on my face. And to make Mom laugh even harder, she never actually meant to prank me; I would just be unlucky sometimes. You would think I could at least smell the anise ones to distinguish them if they looked too similar to know by sight, but with a kitchen full of cookie smell, it was still too confusing for my weak nose.

I’m not proud of the learning curve on this one. It took us years before I stopped gambling with my 50/50 odds of getting the right cookie. I did stop taking such big bites, though.

I find it pretty hilarious that I would forget to prevent this issue so easily by the next time Christmas came around again. Eventually, our solution was to bake a whole bunch of mine and not ice them (I actually hate icing, so it worked out great) and would leave the anise cookies in a simple round shape (sans cookie cutter). They still look a little confusing when they’re all in the same cookie tin, but it’s now accidental-prank-free.

Do you have any funny cookie memories? I hope you’re all having a wonderful holiday!

The post A Christmas Story: The Holiday Cookie Prank appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.

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from The Ugly Duckling House

Friday 23 December 2016

My Nearly-Naked Tree

This year: well… yeah. I think, based on what I’ve seen on social media, quite a lot of people have reached a consensus that 2016 hasn’t been our favorite year in recent memory.

Perhaps that, and for many of my own reasons why (which I’ll cover in my 2016 recap and not this post), I expected myself to go all out on the holiday decorations. I’m stubborn (duh, hi, have we met?), so I wanted to end the year on a high note: a last, big flourish of Christmasy-ness. Lotsa glitter. Silver. Gold. White.

Classic. Complete. Done.

And instead, I did what felt like nothing. I did about 3% of the things I thought I was going to do.

christmas tree 2016

I started out ambitious; I put my tree up the weekend of Thanksgiving. I bought it for myself last year and was really looking forward to getting home from my parents’ house and immediately starting the holiday season. It’s pre-lit and snaps together in only three pieces (which I LOVE — I can’t find the exact one online anymore, so here’s the affiliate link for one that’s similar). I plugged it in, stood in the glow of the white lights…

christmas tree 2016

… and basically didn’t bother to throw on a single ornament for all of December.

At first, I thought the usual culprit — procrastination — was to blame. Every day that I walked by my tree, I told myself tomorrow, and kept doing other things. I sorted through all of my ornaments for the color scheme I wanted to go with. I bought four new ornaments that coordinated with the color scheme I planned to go with. And yet, tomorrow. I left it as-is.

It was blank (well, almost, since the lights were already attached) and comforting. I could walk by, let my eyes glaze over, and just appreciate my nearly-naked tree. I put a skirt on it because it seemed silly without one, but that was it.

I did the holiday thing at other people’s houses and came home to doing my own, quiet thing. It’s actually been really nice to feel a sense of slowness at a time of year where everything else seems so rushed. I’ve been spending time with family, new and old friends, and neglected to feel bad about not throwing glitter on a year that I am not even planning to be friends with as of January 1st.

In hindsight, I’m glad I did things this way; my 2016 tree reflects my feelings about 2016 pretty well.

How I felt about 2015:

How I feel about 2016:

christmas tree 2016

Yep… seems about right.

So, it’s not going to be in anyone’s pretty Christmas roundup or get pinned a million times, and that’s perfectly alright. Instead, I’m going to spend the rest of the season getting myself ready to bring on a new year with lots more in store (for example, in case you missed my comments in the sneak peek last week, I have been working with a brand on my laundry room makeover project and that big reveal is coming in January).

christmas tree 2015 vs christmas tree 2016

Have you ever put up a Christmas tree, only to not decorate it? I know I can’t be the only one, but I’m curious how many of you did the same or similar!

The post My Nearly-Naked Tree appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.

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from The Ugly Duckling House

Friday 9 December 2016

Follow these 3 Tips to Get the Best Returns on Your Garage Door Replacement Investment

A lot of homeowners across the US are considering having their garage door replaced. A lot of these homeowners will need to do so out Read More

The post Follow these 3 Tips to Get the Best Returns on Your Garage Door Replacement Investment appeared first on Garaga Garage Door Blog.

from Garaga Garage Door Blog

Monday 5 December 2016

My First Visit to a Lumber Yard

Pour la pĂ©riode des FĂȘtes, voici comment vous pouvez dĂ©corer votre porte de garage

Dans quelques semaines, ce sera dĂ©jĂ  la pĂ©riode FĂȘtes oĂč les familles se rĂ©unissent pour passer du bon temps. Afin d’agrĂ©menter l’extĂ©rieur de votre maison Read More

The post Pour la pĂ©riode des FĂȘtes, voici comment vous pouvez dĂ©corer votre porte de garage appeared first on Garaga Garage Door Blog.

from Garaga Garage Door Blog

Friday 2 December 2016

Don’t forget your garage door when decorating for the holidays!

It won’t be long before everyone starts decorating their home exteriors for the holidays. While you are stringing lights and hanging garlands, don’t overlook the Read More

The post Don’t forget your garage door when decorating for the holidays! appeared first on Garaga Garage Door Blog.

from Garaga Garage Door Blog

Friday 25 November 2016

Black Friday Online Deals – Top Picks for a Smart Home

If you’ve followed this blog during the holidays in years past, you are probably well aware that my family makes a tradition out of Black Friday. Often, I use Black Friday weekend and Cyber Monday to get the things I’ve been otherwise saving for the rest of the year, like a new TV or washer and dryer. This year, I don’t have a lot of big ticket items on my need-to-have list, so I thought it might be better this time around to give you guys a head’s up on the stuff worth scooping up (either for yourself or as a gift… to yourself).

Oh, and affiliate links are included here — all that means is that I make a few pennies/dollars when purchases are made from my recommendations (but like every post I did before I started using affiliates, I’d recommend these things regardless if that were true). My disclosure page goes into more boring detail about this, but let’s get to shopping!

powerbeats wireless in-ear headphones

Powerbeats In-Ear Headphones – $89 (55% off! $110 savings!)

I’ve been planning on doing several gift idea roundups this year, one of which includes gifts for runners. I’m not a strong runner, but I do run with lots of people who do marathons and I’ve learned quite a lot from them in addition to my own preferences. These Powerbeats Wireless In-Ear Headphones were/are going to be on that list, but they are a steal right now, so I’m jumping ahead of that later-planned list and telling you to scoop them up while the gettin’s good. I use these when I’m working on outdoor projects in the heat as well (they handle sweat like a champ). They have a long charge, a Bluetooth connection that automatically syncs with my phone when I turn them on (I love that I don’t have to go into Settings to connect), and they stay put, even if I’m getting jostled around on a backhoe. They come in several colors, but I have the bright yellow-green ones, which are really easy to find when I’m looking for them.


Amazon Echo and Echo Dot – $139.99 and $39.99 (22% and 20% off)

So, I don’t actually own either of these products, but I’ve been reading reviews like mad, and I think I’m going to buy one or both of these this weekend. A bunch of stores are selling these items for the same price, so you can either try to rush out and get one from the store or order online (though I recommend the one that comes to you).


Nest Learning Thermostat – $199 (20% off)

I don’t have this one in my house, but I have helped install a Nest thermostat before, and they are really easy! I love that they sync to your phone and other devices (including Alexa, which is what the Amazon Echo and Echo Dot connect to above as well, so that makes for a pretty smart home system). The Nest indoor security camera is on sale as well, which I’ve also seen before but I’m not really recommending for the sole reason that they have an outdoor one and that seems like a better option to me (the Nest Cam Outdoor IS on sale, but it’s a new release, so it probably won’t have a similar Black Friday discount until there’s a second generation or next year).


TILE Bluetooth-Enabled Trackers – up to 35%

I got this as a regift for my birthday (a used regift, actually), and even though that person is forever deserving of a good punch to the crotch for their misdeed, this thing is awesome and a top-recommended product for how many times it’s saved my butt. What it does is work as a key/phone/anything finder that you download as an app on your phone and then attach Bluetooth-enabled trackers to your most-used stuff, like your remote, your keys, and your purse. They now have a slim one that you can stick in your wallet and mini versions as well, which make great stocking stuffers because it’s a universal truth that everyone misplaces their stuff. The best deals are if you get them in combo packs (which, bonus for you, means you can keep one or two for yourself).

I’m going to add these items to one collective group of Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals, along with whatever else I find throughout the weekend/week (like tools, clothes, etc.), but I’ve got to get out and go grab a few things myself, so I’ll leave it at that for now!

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Top Picks

Also, just for savings in general…

More Savings Tips

I have several things I use on my computer and phone that help me to save on discounts and rebates during the year. Just for the sake of making sure you’re aware of those too, I’ve included some referral links to the stuff I like most (usually by signing up via the referral code, it gives us both an incentive, like a free $5 or whatever).

Honey – this installs in most major browsers and can save you a LOT of time in searching for discount codes. On Amazon, it also has a little button that confirms if this is definitely the cheapest price it can find or will suggest a different seller. Basically, it searches the internet for all of those promo codes and coupons and lets you search and apply them with one click. If it can get you a better deal at checkout, it most definitely will. It also occasionally gives cash back. I’ve saved additionally (5-10%) on big-ticket items and even food orders just by using this thing.

Wikibuy – this is another browser install that scans other websites to see if they are offering a better deal. I haven’t used this quite as much as I have Honey, but it flat-out tells you the difference in savings, and sometimes it’s significant enough to click and see what’s up. The way it often works is they act as a middleman and don’t necessarily tell you the actual website offering the cheapest price (they basically try to work their own exclusive discounts), but they also guarantee the item you’re purchasing so you can buy without worrying if the website offering said “deal” is sketch. Right now after looking at just a handful of items, I am seeing offers that are even slightly less than Black Friday purchases (so perhaps they have a special discount on top).

Paribus – in this case, this browser tool tracks your purchases and gives you refunds if the prices drop during a certain time period (minus a small % for giving you the refund). Don’t you hate it when you buy something and it goes on sale for cheaper the next day? With this app, the concept is that you can eliminate that game for good. This is the app I have just recently started trying out, but I was amazed at how well-integrated it was with my recent purchases and look forward to trying it out more.

Happy shopping!

The post Black Friday Online Deals – Top Picks for a Smart Home appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.

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from The Ugly Duckling House

Thursday 24 November 2016

Happy Thanksgiving from Charlie!

Happy Thanksgiving, folks! My family and I celebrated early so more family members could join over the weekend, but as usual, we’re still planning on our Black Friday tradition. I’m enjoying some family time, eating leftover pie for breakfast, and left my laptop at home, so I’m making my first-ever attempt at writing this entire post from my phone (albeit on a bit of a cinnamon sugar high).

And as for Charlie, she too has her own tradition whenever she visits my parents’ house. For one, she guts one of the stuffed toys she found in the toy basket (because they belong to Buddy, so she spitefully destroys)…

Charlie destroying stuffed toys

She also begs for food but refuses to go into the kitchen (she has a thing about not going in that room, which is weird and quirky and that’s why I love her).

Dog begging for food

And finally, this:

All. Day. Long.

So, I hope you have a happy turkey day. Thank you for following along, thank you for your comments, and I’m very grateful for all of you! <3

The post Happy Thanksgiving from Charlie! appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.

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from The Ugly Duckling House

Monday 21 November 2016

Self-storage: your garage away from home

Okay, so the time has finally come – whether it’s annual spring cleaning, or the Big Garage Reno you’ve been planning so you can cut Read More

The post Self-storage: your garage away from home appeared first on Garaga Garage Door Blog.

from Garaga Garage Door Blog

Thursday 17 November 2016

Sussex firm donates £100,000 to children's charity

A WEALTH management company has handed over a cheque to a children’s charity for an incredible £100,000.

from The Argus | News

Mauled labrador in running for bravery award

A Labrador who suffered terrible wounds after a horrific dog attack has been shortlisted for a special award.

from The Argus | News

Sussex Police use controversial spit hoods more frequently than any other force

SUSSEX Police use controversial spit hoods to control unruly suspects more than any other force in the country.

from The Argus | News

Brighton Little Theatre heading down the yellow brick road

IN L. Frank Baum’s 1900 novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, a yellow brick road leads Dorothy and company to the Emerald City, a land whose apparent “brightness and glory” is ultimately deceptive.

from The Argus | News

George Benson to perform at Love Supreme

POP icon George Benson will be Breezin' in next summer as the first act announced for a popular festival.

from The Argus | News

Schoolchildren enjoy lessons on the beach

LESSONS on the beach have opened up a new way of learning for children at Brighton and Hove Prep School.

from The Argus | News

Scheme for 1,000 homes may not be up to standards

THE 1,000 affordable homes proposed in a £106 million joint venture may fall below the standards the council requires of other developers building in the city, it has emerged.

from The Argus | News

Caviar farm comes one step to furious villagers

THE country’s first humane caviar farm is a step closer to being made in a tiny Sussex village.

from The Argus | News

Commuters dismiss transport secretary pledge to improve Sussex train services as "a lot of fluff"

COMMUTERS have dismissed a pledge from the transport secretary to improve Sussex train services as just "a lot of fluff".

from The Argus | News

Environmentalists step up opposition to downland sales

BRITAIN’S oldest national conservation body has called for a halt on the biggest sale of Brighton and Hove City Council downland in decades.

from The Argus | News

Fears new homes will be small and cramped

HOUSING campaigners are pressing for guarantees that a £106 million affordable housing project delivers on quality as well as quantity.

from The Argus | News

Last chance to enter Snowdog selfies competition

SNOWDOG hunters have until 5pm today to enter The Argus's selfie competition.

from The Argus | News

Is this the biggest baby ever to be born naturally in Sussex?

IS THIS the biggest bundle of joy ever to be born naturally in Sussex?

from The Argus | News

Rare Dodo skeleton could sell for £500,000 at auction

THE first near-complete skeleton of the extinct dodo bird to come up for sale in nearly 100 years is set to fetch up to £500,000 next week, auctioneers predict.

from The Argus | News

Ticket prices at Royal Pavilion to go up

TICKET prices at the Royal Pavilion will rise above inflation for the next two years despite the misgivings of councillors.

from The Argus | News

National recognition for University of Brighton

A MULTI-MILLION pound project transforming a 1960s university building into a state-of-the-art research, teaching and information building has been recognised in the prestigious Green Gown Awards 2016.

from The Argus | News

Sussex firm donates £100,000 to children's charity

A WEALTH management company has handed over a cheque to a children’s charity for an incredible £100,000.

from The Argus | News

Mauled labrador in running for bravery award

A Labrador who suffered terrible wounds after a horrific dog attack has been shortlisted for a special award.

from The Argus | News

Sussex Police use controversial spit hoods more frequently than any other force

SUSSEX Police use controversial spit hoods to control unruly suspects more than any other force in the country.

from The Argus | News

Brighton Little Theatre heading down the yellow brick road

IN L. Frank Baum’s 1900 novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, a yellow brick road leads Dorothy and company to the Emerald City, a land whose apparent “brightness and glory” is ultimately deceptive.

from The Argus | News

George Benson to perform at Love Supreme

POP icon George Benson will be Breezin' in next summer as the first act announced for a popular festival.

from The Argus | News

Schoolchildren enjoy lessons on the beach

LESSONS on the beach have opened up a new way of learning for children at Brighton and Hove Prep School.

from The Argus | News

Scheme for 1,000 homes may not be up to standards

THE 1,000 affordable homes proposed in a £106 million joint venture may fall below the standards the council requires of other developers building in the city, it has emerged.

from The Argus | News

Caviar farm comes one step to furious villagers

THE country’s first humane caviar farm is a step closer to being made in a tiny Sussex village.

from The Argus | News

Commuters dismiss transport secretary pledge to improve Sussex train services as "a lot of fluff"

COMMUTERS have dismissed a pledge from the transport secretary to improve Sussex train services as just "a lot of fluff".

from The Argus | News

Environmentalists step up opposition to downland sales

BRITAIN’S oldest national conservation body has called for a halt on the biggest sale of Brighton and Hove City Council downland in decades.

from The Argus | News

Fears new homes will be small and cramped

HOUSING campaigners are pressing for guarantees that a £106 million affordable housing project delivers on quality as well as quantity.

from The Argus | News

Last chance to enter Snowdog selfies competition

SNOWDOG hunters have until 5pm today to enter The Argus's selfie competition.

from The Argus | News

Is this the biggest baby ever to be born naturally in Sussex?

IS THIS the biggest bundle of joy ever to be born naturally in Sussex?

from The Argus | News

Rare Dodo skeleton could sell for £500,000 at auction

THE first near-complete skeleton of the extinct dodo bird to come up for sale in nearly 100 years is set to fetch up to £500,000 next week, auctioneers predict.

from The Argus | News

Ticket prices at Royal Pavilion to go up

TICKET prices at the Royal Pavilion will rise above inflation for the next two years despite the misgivings of councillors.

from The Argus | News

National recognition for University of Brighton

A MULTI-MILLION pound project transforming a 1960s university building into a state-of-the-art research, teaching and information building has been recognised in the prestigious Green Gown Awards 2016.

from The Argus | News

Sussex firm donates £100,000 to children's charity

A WEALTH management company has handed over a cheque to a children’s charity for an incredible £100,000.

from The Argus | News

Mauled labrador in running for bravery award

A Labrador who suffered terrible wounds after a horrific dog attack has been shortlisted for a special award.

from The Argus | News

Sussex Police use controversial spit hoods more frequently than any other force

SUSSEX Police use controversial spit hoods to control unruly suspects more than any other force in the country.

from The Argus | News

Brighton Little Theatre heading down the yellow brick road

IN L. Frank Baum’s 1900 novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, a yellow brick road leads Dorothy and company to the Emerald City, a land whose apparent “brightness and glory” is ultimately deceptive.

from The Argus | News

George Benson to perform at Love Supreme

POP icon George Benson will be Breezin' in next summer as the first act announced for a popular festival.

from The Argus | News

Schoolchildren enjoy lessons on the beach

LESSONS on the beach have opened up a new way of learning for children at Brighton and Hove Prep School.

from The Argus | News

Scheme for 1,000 homes may not be up to standards

THE 1,000 affordable homes proposed in a £106 million joint venture may fall below the standards the council requires of other developers building in the city, it has emerged.

from The Argus | News

Tips for Selling Furniture on Craigslist

Elderly man loses £4,800 in telephone scam

AN ELDERLY man lost £4,800 after falling victim to a telephone scam.

from The Argus | News

Police identify second possible victim of swimming pool voyeur

POLICE are tracking to track down a woman who may have been a victim of a swimming pool voyeur. 

from The Argus | News

RMT and Southern Railway in fresh row over holiday pay

A fresh row has flared between the biggest rail union and Southern Railway ahead of a new wave of strikes which will cause more travel chaos for hundreds of thousands of passengers.

from The Argus | News

Scheme for 1,000 homes may not be up to standards

THE 1,000 affordable homes proposed in a £106 million joint venture may fall below the standards the council requires of other developers building in the city, it has emerged.

from The Argus | News

Police identify second possible victim of swimming pool voyeur

POLICE are tracking to track down a woman who may have been a victim of a swimming pool voyeur. 

from The Argus | News

RMT and Southern Railway in fresh row over holiday pay

A fresh row has flared between the biggest rail union and Southern Railway ahead of a new wave of strikes which will cause more travel chaos for hundreds of thousands of passengers.

from The Argus | News

Scheme for 1,000 homes may not be up to standards

THE 1,000 affordable homes proposed in a £106 million joint venture may fall below the standards the council requires of other developers building in the city, it has emerged.

from The Argus | News

Police identify second possible victim of swimming pool voyeur

POLICE are tracking to track down a woman who may have been a victim of a swimming pool voyeur. 

from The Argus | News

RMT and Southern Railway in fresh row over holiday pay

A fresh row has flared between the biggest rail union and Southern Railway ahead of a new wave of strikes which will cause more travel chaos for hundreds of thousands of passengers.

from The Argus | News

Technology firm scoops top award

A TECHNOLOGY firm has won a national award.

from The Argus | News

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Landlord pays £10,000 after properties deemed fire risk

A LANDLORD has been forced to pay more than £10,000 after fire inspectors concluded his properties were substandard and posed a risk of serious injury to tenants.

from The Argus | News

Meet the cats that need a new home this Christmas

HE WAS the one-eyed cat that nobody wanted.

from The Argus | News

Meet the cats that need a new home this Christmas

HE WAS the one-eyed cat that nobody wanted.

from The Argus | News

Steve Coogan turns on the Christmas lights

HUNDREDS of people rocked out to a legendary 1990s dance duo to celebrate the Christmas light switch-on.

from The Argus | News

Scheme for 1,000 homes may not be up to standards

THE 1,000 affordable homes proposed in a £106 million joint venture may fall below the standards the council requires of other developers building in the city, it has emerged.

from The Argus | News

Vandalism forces Snowdog to leave charity trail a week early

VANDALISM has forced a damaged Snowdog to leave the public charity art trail a week early for repairs.

from The Argus | News

Former bank manager caught out for blue badge parking misuse

A FORMER bank manager has been caught out as a blue badge cheat for the second time in 18 months.

from The Argus | News

Blue plaques unveiled to Second World War heroes

DAME Vera Lynn sent a special message of congratulations as four blue plaques to honour Brighton's Second World War secret agents were revealed.

from The Argus | News

Landlord pays £10,000 after properties deemed fire risk

A LANDLORD has been forced to pay more than £10,000 after fire inspectors concluded his properties were substandard and posed a risk of serious injury to tenants.

from The Argus | News

Steve Coogan turns on the Christmas lights

HUNDREDS of people rocked out to a legendary 1990s dance duo to celebrate the Christmas light switch-on.

from The Argus | News

Scheme for 1,000 homes may not be up to standards

THE 1,000 affordable homes proposed in a £106 million joint venture may fall below the standards the council requires of other developers building in the city, it has emerged.

from The Argus | News

Vandalism forces Snowdog to leave charity trail a week early

VANDALISM has forced a damaged Snowdog to leave the public charity art trail a week early for repairs.

from The Argus | News

Former bank manager caught out for blue badge parking misuse

A FORMER bank manager has been caught out as a blue badge cheat for the second time in 18 months.

from The Argus | News

Blue plaques unveiled to Second World War heroes

DAME Vera Lynn sent a special message of congratulations as four blue plaques to honour Brighton's Second World War secret agents were revealed.

from The Argus | News

Landlord pays £10,000 after properties deemed fire risk

A LANDLORD has been forced to pay more than £10,000 after fire inspectors concluded his properties were substandard and posed a risk of serious injury to tenants.

from The Argus | News

Steve Coogan turns on the Christmas lights

HUNDREDS of people rocked out to a legendary 1990s dance duo to celebrate the Christmas light switch-on.

from The Argus | News

Scheme for 1,000 homes may not be up to standards

THE 1,000 affordable homes proposed in a £106 million joint venture may fall below the standards the council requires of other developers building in the city, it has emerged.

from The Argus | News

Vandalism forces Snowdog to leave charity trail a week early

VANDALISM has forced a damaged Snowdog to leave the public charity art trail a week early for repairs.

from The Argus | News

Former bank manager caught out for blue badge parking misuse

A FORMER bank manager has been caught out as a blue badge cheat for the second time in 18 months.

from The Argus | News

Blue plaques unveiled to Second World War heroes

DAME Vera Lynn sent a special message of congratulations as four blue plaques to honour Brighton's Second World War secret agents were revealed.

from The Argus | News

City's oldest hotel sold as part of £75m deal

BRIGHTON’S oldest hotel has been sold as part of a multi-property sale worth £75 million.

from The Argus | News

Restaurant’s pie in sky proposals given go ahead

ONE of Brighton’s leading restaurants is set to become of the city’s most unique now its £4 million proposals have been given the go ahead.

from The Argus | News

Charity launches Dream Appeal

A CHARITY is launching a ground-breaking project tonight (Thursday) to improve the lives of children and young people with complex disabilities.

from The Argus | News

City College boss hopes merger will take college to next level after encouraging Ofsted report

CITY College's proposed merger could help it move to the next level and become an outstanding institution, its chief executive has claimed.

from The Argus | News

Landlord pays £10,000 after properties deemed fire risk

A LANDLORD has been forced to pay more than £10,000 after fire inspectors concluded his properties were substandard and posed a risk of serious injury to tenants.

from The Argus | News

Talented care home artists exhibit their work

TALENTED artists as old as 91 have been doing so well they will exhibit their work.

from The Argus | News

BACA and PACA academies to work closer together in new multi-academy trust

TWO schools will work closer together as a part of a new multi-academy trust.

from The Argus | News

Kyle to ignore Labour Party leadership over Brexit vote

PETER Kyle has warned that he will be among a "significant number" of parliamentary colleagues who will ignore his party leadership after it insisted Labour would not block a vote to trigger Article 50.

from The Argus | News

Writing competition searches for new Christmas classic

ASPIRING authors can try their hand at creating a new Christmas story to celebrate nearly 200 years since a classic tale was published.

from The Argus | News

'This could have killed you – you have been living on a timebomb.'

A COUPLE could have been killed after cladding work by a council contractor exposed them to deadly carbon monoxide fumes and more householders could be at risk.

from The Argus | News

Thousands expected at Brighton's festive light switch on

BRIGHTON's Christmas lights will be switched on tonight as thousands of people are expected to party in the streets.

from The Argus | News

'This could have killed you – you have been living on a timebomb.'

A COUPLE could have been killed after cladding work by a council contractor exposed them to deadly carbon monoxide fumes and more householders could be at risk.

from The Argus | News

Thousands expected at Brighton's festive light switch on

BRIGHTON's Christmas lights will be switched on tonight as thousands of people are expected to party in the streets.

from The Argus | News

Family shocked by OAP's death at slapping therapy workshop

The family of a diabetic woman have spoken of their shock at her death while attending a slapping therapy workshop at a country hotel.

from The Argus | News

Family shocked by OAP's death at slapping therapy workshop

The family of a diabetic woman have spoken of their shock at her death while attending a slapping therapy workshop at a country hotel.

from The Argus | News

Family shocked by OAP's death at slapping therapy workshop

The family of a diabetic woman have spoken of their shock at her death while attending a slapping therapy workshop at a country hotel.

from The Argus | News

Teenager killed man he met on Grindr becasue "It was just the way I felt at the time."

A teenager accused of murdering a senior civil servant he met via the gay dating app Grindr said he slashed his throat because "it was just the way I felt at the time."

from The Argus | News

Murder accused met civil servant on gay dating app at age of 15

A teenager accused of murdering a high-ranking civil servant has told a court that he met him via the gay dating app Grindr when he was 15.

from The Argus | News

'This could have killed you – you have been living on a timebomb.'

A COUPLE could have been killed after cladding work by a council contractor exposed them to deadly carbon monoxide fumes and more householders could be at risk.

from The Argus | News

Up to £1m could be spent improving county's most deadliest road

UP to £1 million could be spent on making the county's most deadliest road safer.

from The Argus | News

More of Brighton seafront closed off for winter for essential repairs

MORE of Brighton's seafront will be closed off this winter for essential structural repairs beneath the city's main coastal road.

from The Argus | News

'This could have killed you – you have been living on a timebomb.'

A COUPLE could have been killed after cladding work by a council contractor exposed them to deadly carbon monoxide fumes and more householders could be at risk.

from The Argus | News

Up to £1m could be spent improving county's most deadliest road

UP to £1 million could be spent on making the county's most deadliest road safer.

from The Argus | News

More of Brighton seafront closed off for winter for essential repairs

MORE of Brighton's seafront will be closed off this winter for essential structural repairs beneath the city's main coastal road.

from The Argus | News

'This could have killed you – you have been living on a timebomb.'

A COUPLE could have been killed after cladding work by a council contractor exposed them to deadly carbon monoxide fumes and more householders could be at risk.

from The Argus | News

Up to £1m could be spent improving county's most deadliest road

UP to £1 million could be spent on making the county's most deadliest road safer.

from The Argus | News

More of Brighton seafront closed off for winter for essential repairs

MORE of Brighton's seafront will be closed off this winter for essential structural repairs beneath the city's main coastal road.

from The Argus | News

Man falls from Brighton sea wall

An elderly man is reported to have suffered serious injuries after falling from a sea wall.

from The Argus | News

Death of man found lying in an alley 'unexplained'

THE body of a man has been discovered lying in an alley.

from The Argus | News

Union plea to watchdog over Southern Railway conductor changes

The rail regulator is being urged to halt controversial changes to the role of guards on Southern Railway amid claims they are creating "confusion and chaos".

from The Argus | News

Jail wing still under repair three weeks after riots

THE prison wing ransacked by rampaging inmates in a six-hour riot is still being repaired.

from The Argus | News

Girls found safe

Two girls who went missing from West Sussex on Monday have been found safe and well.

from The Argus | News

Coast expert to give talk about seafront at the i360

A TALK from a television presenter will mark the 150th anniversary year of the West Pier.

from The Argus | News

Thousands expected at Brighton's festive light switch on

BRIGHTON's Christmas lights will be switched on tonight as thousands of people are expected to party in the streets.

from The Argus | News

Government expected to make announcement on plight of Chagos islanders

Ministers are set to make an announcement on the future of the Chagos Islands, amid calls to give exiled islanders a chance to return home.

from The Argus | News

Gardens' director climbs 33m to complete Christmas decorations

A HORTICULTURALIST has described the view from the top of the tallest living Christmas tree in the UK as “simply magical.”

from The Argus | News

Thousands expected at Brighton's festive light switch on

BRIGHTON's Christmas lights will be switched on tonight as thousands of people are expected to party in the streets.

from The Argus | News

Government expected to make announcement on plight of Chagos islanders

Ministers are set to make an announcement on the future of the Chagos Islands, amid calls to give exiled islanders a chance to return home.

from The Argus | News

Gardens' director climbs 33m to complete Christmas decorations

A HORTICULTURALIST has described the view from the top of the tallest living Christmas tree in the UK as “simply magical.”

from The Argus | News

Thousands expected at Brighton's festive light switch on

BRIGHTON's Christmas lights will be switched on tonight as thousands of people are expected to party in the streets.

from The Argus | News

Government expected to make announcement on plight of Chagos islanders

Ministers are set to make an announcement on the future of the Chagos Islands, amid calls to give exiled islanders a chance to return home.

from The Argus | News

Exhibition showcases the explosion of punk in pictures

FOR those who lived through it the first time it's hard to tell whether it really does feel like 40 years has passed since the punk explosion.

from The Argus | News

Exhibition showcases the explosion of punk in pictures

FOR those who lived through it the first time it's hard to tell whether it really does feel like 40 years has passed since the punk explosion.

from The Argus | News

Man arrested on suspicion of rape over attack at The Level

A MAN has been arrested on suspicion of rape after a teenager claimed she was attacked at The Level.

from The Argus | News

Union plea to watchdog over Southern Railway conductor changes

The rail regulator is being urged to halt controversial changes to the role of guards on Southern Railway amid claims they are creating "confusion and chaos".

from The Argus | News

Pupils’ heartbreaking visit to the Nazi death camps

SCHOOLCHILDREN learnt about the horrors of the Holocaust on a visit to Auschwitz.

from The Argus | News

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Loneliest cat finds home in time for Christmas

HE WAS the one-eyed cat that nobody wanted.

from The Argus | News

Nursery staff hoping for royal visit

A NURSERY owner celebrating 25 years at the helm has written to Prince Charles for a third time desperately hoping he would pop in as promised.

from The Argus | News

Concerns grow over £100m venture to build 1,000 new homes

RESERVATIONS remain over a £100 million joint venture to build 1,000 affordable homes.

from The Argus | News

Court cases halted and inmates locked in cells after thousands of prison guards walk out in "unlawful" strike

COURT cases ground to a halt and inmates were locked up in their cells after thousands of prison officers walked out on strike.

from The Argus | News

Hilton Brighton Metropole scoops four firsts at hotel awards

THE Hilton Brighton Metropole stole the honours at last night's Brighton and Hove Hotel Awards.

from The Argus | News

Gardens' director climbs 33m to complete Christmas decorations

A HORTICULTURALIST has described the view from the top of the tallest living Christmas tree in the UK as “simply magical.”

from The Argus | News

Residents could be at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning after boiler vent cladding blunder

A COUPLE could have been killed after cladding work by a council contractor exposed them to deadly carbon monoxide fumes and more householders could be at risk.

from The Argus | News

Exhibition showcases the explosion of punk in pictures

FOR those who lived through it the first time it's hard to tell whether it really does feel like 40 years has passed since the punk explosion.

from The Argus | News

Council employee pocketed thousands in rent money from market traders

A COUNCIL worker who stole £35,000 of public money over seven years has been spared jail.

from The Argus | News

Pupils’ heartbreaking visit to the Nazi death camps

SCHOOLCHILDREN learnt about the horrors of the Holocaust on a visit to Auschwitz.

from The Argus | News

Selfless little girl is brilliant advocate for her brother

A CARING sister who stands up for her deaf and blind brother has been nominated for a national charity award.

from The Argus | News

Breast cancer awareness event attracts more than 1,000 people

MORE than 1,000 people visited an interactive cancer awareness project housed inside a giant inflatable breast.

from The Argus | News

New look for city hen and stag parties specialist

BRIGHTON is widely regarded as the country's best hen and stag party venue.

from The Argus | News

CBE awarded to lifelong Tory

A LIFELONG Tory had his doubts about the honours system allayed when he received his CBE and saw the delighted reaction of his fellow recipients.

from The Argus | News

University of Brighton joins in BAFTA success

A SCIENTIST who uses drama to catch the eye is part of the team up for a big television award

from The Argus | News

Sussex sea water given clean bill of health

SEA water across the Sussex coast has been given a clean bill of health following its most recent inspection.

from The Argus | News

Missing girls may be together

Two girls who went missing from West Sussex on Monday are thought to be together in the East Croydon area of South London.

from The Argus | News

Suspect sought in connection with street robbery

CCTV images have emerged which police say show a man they wish to speak to in connection with a street robbery this summer.

from The Argus | News

Man sought in connection to shaving shoplifting

A (shaving) brush with the law beckons for a man sought by detectives in connection with the theft of £600 worth of shaving equipment.

from The Argus | News

Two people and a dog left without home after caravan destroyed by fire

A CARAVAN was destroyed by fire last night, leaving two people and a dog without a home.

from The Argus | News

Man sought in connection to shaving shoplifting

A (shaving) brush with the law beckons for a man sought by detectives in connection with the theft of £600 worth of shaving equipment.

from The Argus | News

Two people and a dog left without home after caravan destroyed by fire

A CARAVAN was destroyed by fire last night, leaving two people and a dog without a home.

from The Argus | News

Man sought in connection to shaving shoplifting

A (shaving) brush with the law beckons for a man sought by detectives in connection with the theft of £600 worth of shaving equipment.

from The Argus | News

Two people and a dog left without home after caravan destroyed by fire

A CARAVAN was destroyed by fire last night, leaving two people and a dog without a home.

from The Argus | News

Caroline Lucas slams Labour "capitulation" over Article 50 vote

THE country's only Green MP has asked the Labour Party to rethink its support for a Parliamentary vote for Brexit.

from The Argus | News

Man sought in connection to shaving shoplifting

A (shaving) brush with the law beckons for a man sought by detectives in connection with the theft of £600 worth of shaving equipment.

from The Argus | News

Teenager on motorbike collides with parked car - ambulance called to scene

A MOTORBIKE collided with a car this morning, with medics called to help the rider.

from The Argus | News

Two people and a dog left without home after caravan destroyed by fire

A CARAVAN was destroyed by fire last night, leaving two people and a dog without a home.

from The Argus | News

Caroline Lucas slams Labour "capitulation" over Article 50 vote

THE country's only Green MP has asked the Labour Party to rethink its support for a Parliamentary vote for Brexit.

from The Argus | News

Man sought in connection to shaving shoplifting

A (shaving) brush with the law beckons for a man sought by detectives in connection with the theft of £600 worth of shaving equipment.

from The Argus | News

Teenager on motorbike collides with car - ambulance called to scene

A MOTORBIKE collided with a car this morning, with medics called to help the rider.

from The Argus | News

Students stream events to thousands

FILMMAKING students from City College Brighton and Hove have been recognised with a special presentation for their work live streaming events for Brighton Dome.

from The Argus | News

£10,000 Argus appeal golf day sees first cheque awarded

THE Argus's charity Golf Day raised more than £10,000 and some of it has already been donated.   

from The Argus | News

£500 reward for information over spate of burglaries

POLICE are offering a £500 reward for information over recent burglaries.

from The Argus | News

Shoreham Airshow crash inquest delayed again

THE inquest into the deaths of the Shoreham Airshow crash victims has been postponed again.

from The Argus | News

Argus ex-employee receives medal for the part he played in D-Day landings

A WAR veteran who used to print last minute breaking news and match reports for The Argus has been awarded a medal for the part he played in the D-Day landings.

from The Argus | News

City College Brighton and Hove retains good rating after first Ofsted inspection in five years

CITY College Brighton and Hove has retained its good rating after its first Ofsted inspection in five years.

from The Argus | News

UPDATE: Escaped prisoner arrested after going on run

UPDATE: escaped prisoner Lamine Damo who was being sentenced for GBH at Lewes Crown Court is now thought to have been caught

from The Argus | News

Argus ex-employee receives medal for the part he played in D-Day landings

A WAR veteran who used to print last minute breaking news and match reports for The Argus has been awarded a medal for the part he played in the D-Day landings.

from The Argus | News

City College Brighton and Hove retains good rating after first Ofsted inspection in five years

CITY College Brighton and Hove has retained its good rating after its first Ofsted inspection in five years.

from The Argus | News

UPDATE: Escaped prisoner arrested after going on run

UPDATE: escaped prisoner Lamine Damo who was being sentenced for GBH at Lewes Crown Court is now thought to have been caught

from The Argus | News

Argus ex-employee receives medal for the part he played in D-Day landings

A WAR veteran who used to print last minute breaking news and match reports for The Argus has been awarded a medal for the part he played in the D-Day landings.

from The Argus | News

City College Brighton and Hove retains good rating after first Ofsted inspection in five years

CITY College Brighton and Hove has retained its good rating after its first Ofsted inspection in five years.

from The Argus | News

UPDATE: Escaped prisoner arrested after going on run

UPDATE: escaped prisoner Lamine Damo who was being sentenced for GBH at Lewes Crown Court is now thought to have been caught

from The Argus | News

Two people and a dog left without home after caravan destroyed by fire

A CARAVAN was destroyed by fire last night, leaving two people and a dog without a home.

from The Argus | News

Pub grub named as the best in the city

THE popular Ginger Dog serves the best pub food in the city.

from The Argus | News

Accident causing delays on A280 Long Furlong road near Findon

A crash has caused early-morning delays on a main road.

from The Argus | News

Six-figure fine for college after student's knee is broken during course

A COLLEGE has been fined for breaching health and safety rules after a student's knee was broken during a tree-cutting lesson.

from The Argus | News

Pub grub named as the best in the city

THE popular Ginger Dog serves the best pub food in the city.

from The Argus | News

Accident causing delays on A280 Long Furlong road near Findon

A crash has caused early-morning delays on a main road.

from The Argus | News

Six-figure fine for college after student's knee is broken during course

A COLLEGE has been fined for breaching health and safety rules after a student's knee was broken during a tree-cutting lesson.

from The Argus | News

Pub grub named as the best in the city

THE popular Ginger Dog serves the best pub food in the city.

from The Argus | News

Monday 14 November 2016

Accident causing delays on A280 Long Furlong road near Findon

A crash has caused early-morning delays on a main road.

from The Argus | News

Six-figure fine for college after student's knee is broken during course

A COLLEGE has been fined for breaching health and safety rules after a student's knee was broken during a tree-cutting lesson.

from The Argus | News

School put into lockdown after prisoner escapes from nearby court

A SCHOOL was put into lockdown after a prisoner escaped from court.

from The Argus | News

A child died after the slapping therapy

WARNINGS have been issued over the use of alternative medicine following the death of a woman at a therapy retreat - as it emerged a child had died receiving the same controversial treatment .

from The Argus | News

Key workers could be forced from city centre as affordable housing crisis grows

IT IS feared key workers such as nurses and teachers will be priced out of the city centre after a second developer considered backing out of providing affordable homes.

from The Argus | News

Russian tycoon in battle with estranged wife over missing art and antiques

A RUSSIAN tycoon is embroiled in a legal battle with his estranged wife over claims she made off with £800,000 worth of antiques and sculptures.

from The Argus | News

£10,000 Argus appeal golf day sees first cheque awarded

THE Argus's charity Golf Day raised more than £10,000 and some of it has already been donated.   

from The Argus | News

Argus ex-employee receives medal for the part he played in D-Day landings

A WAR veteran who used to print last minute breaking news and match reports for The Argus has been awarded a medal for the part he played in the D-Day landings.

from The Argus | News

MP stands up for rights of press over ‘chilling effect’ of proposed new law

SUSSEX'S longest-standing MP has backed local newspapers' "right to investigate" in the face of a proposed law change which could see the press hit with huge legal fees even if they win court challenges.

from The Argus | News

Chicago in the Fall

Pub grub named as the best in the city

THE popular Ginger Dog serves the best pub food in the city.

from The Argus | News

Schoolboy stars in Dickens play

A SCHOOLBOY has got a taste of life treading the boards after bagging a part in a national touring production of Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities.

from The Argus | News

Car flips on to its roof with woman and baby inside

A CAR crashed and flipped on to its roof in a residential street with a woman and a baby inside.

from The Argus | News

Thousands gather for Brighton Remembrance Service as Sussex falls silent again

SUSSEX fell silent yesterday to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

from The Argus | News

A bonfire of Remembrance is held in village

THE East Hoathly and Halland Carnival weaved its way through the Wealden village on Saturday night. The Bonfire for Remembrance Parade was watched by thousands of spectators. A procession of blazing fire banners made its way to the bonfire site. Those taking part also carry poppies - each one representing a villager lost in the two world wars.

from The Argus | News

School on lockdown after man believed to have escaped from Lewes Crown Court

Lewes Old Grammar school was on lockdown after a suspect escaped from neighbouring Lewes Crown Court.

from The Argus | News

Musician plays seven gigs in a day - and cycles to each one

A PEDDLING pianist played seven shows in just one day for Children in Need.

from The Argus | News

Crash involving three cars partly blocks narrow A27 near Selmeston and Firle

A CRASH thought to involve three cars has partly blocked the A27.

from The Argus | News

Police cracking down on drivers using a mobile phone at the wheel

Police are cracking down on drivers using mobile phones behind the wheel as part of a week-long enforcement campaign.

from The Argus | News

Companies opening their doors to school pupils

BMX specialists, a wine estate and a high-tech firm have beeen throwing their doors open to give young people the chance to see their business in operation.

from The Argus | News

Sunday 13 November 2016

Concern over sprinkler installation into flats where neighbour died

SPRINKLERS are being installed at the flats where a fire claimed the life of a community campaigner.

from The Argus | News

MPs defend local newspapers' "right to investigate" in face of "chilling effect" threat from punitive court costs

SUSSEX'S longest-standing MP has backed local newspapers' "right to investigate" in the face of a proposed law change which could see the press hit with huge legal fees even if they win court challenges.

from The Argus | News

Student's knee broken during tree-cutting course at Plumpton College

A COLLEGE has been fined for breaching health and safety rules after a student's knee was broken during a tree-cutting lesson.

from The Argus | News

Thousands gather for Brighton Remembrance Service as Sussex falls silent again

SUSSEX fell silent yesterday to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

from The Argus | News

Police investigate grandmother's death at Chinese slap therapy course

A DIABETIC grandmother died at a “self-healing” retreat where attendees were slapped until they were black and blue.

from The Argus | News